

网赌的十大网站 is not just geared toward one type of student. We are organized to serve all learners, whether you are a teenager or young adult trying to get ahead or catch up, an adult student looking to complete or start a degree, or if you are looking for job 培训 and professional development for yourself or your employees. We meet you where you are and 工作 with you to overcome whatever barriers you face.

Want to learn more about what programs UC offers? 请求的信息


Where Students Can Explore Higher Education for the First Time

For first-time 大学 students looking to start exploring higher education - whether you're still in high school, 最近高中毕业, 已经出去几年了吗, or left without a degree - this is your starting point. You can jump right into learning and net工作ing with experienced professionals, and gaining the skills you need to get ahead and make a change in your community.


Where Students Can Explore Professional and Continuing Studies

The School of Professional and Continuing Studies offers hyper-flexible programs focused on degree completers, career changers and adult students looking to start or continue their education. We'll honor your personal and professional experiences through our 先前学习评估 process and provide support systems designed with you and your demands in mind.

Explore Professional and Continuing Studies
A handshake offered in congratulations after a participant completes a program at 网赌的十大网站


网赌的十大网站 partners with businesses and organizations to develop custom 培训 and education programs that prepare your 工作force and leadership team to drive growth and scale success.




Earn Life Experience and Transfer Credits

You may be closer than you think to completing your degree. 先前学习评估 is a no-cost way for you to use what you already know through relevant learning, 工作, or life experience and apply it towards a degree.

节省时间 & 钱


The 网赌的十大网站 student experience is packed with hands-on projects, 现实世界的机会, unique program offerings where you get to create your experiences, and personalized interactions with faculty and staff.



We provide a flexible range of educational opportunities for part-time/full-time students, 工作的专业人士, and students who don't fit the traditional high school, 大学, 就业渠道.

